Duke Neurogenetics Study Protocols

Amygdala Paradigm ("Hammer" or Faces Tasks)

Ventral Striatum Reward Paradigm (Cards Task)

Hippocampus Paradigm (Face-name Task)

Working Memory Paradigm (Larger-Smaller Task)

Resting State

FreeSurfer (CT, SA, Volume)

Gray Matter Volume (VBM)

Diffusion Tensor Imaging


Global Covariate Rationale

The Duke Neurogenetics Study was supported by Duke University and NIDA grants R01DA031579 and R01DA033369. The Duke Brain Imaging and Analysis Center's computing cluster, upon which all DNS analyses heavily rely, was supported by the Office of the Director, National Institues of Health under Award Number S10 OD 021480.

Dunedin Brain Imaging Study MRI Protocol

(See bottom of page for boiler plate info, funding, acknowledgements, etc to be included with all publications)

Cortical Thickness, Surface Area, and Volume

Voxel-based Morphometry

Diffusion Tensor Imaging

White Matter Hyperintensities

Brain Age

Amygdala Paradigm ("Hammer" or Faces Tasks)

Hippocampus Paradigm (Face-name Task)

Executive Control Paradigm (Stroop Task)

Ventral Striatum Reward Paradigm (Monetary Incentive Delay Task)

Resting State

Clinical Scans (FLAIR and SWI)

Global Covariate Rationale

Dunedin Study Description, Funding, Acknowledgements, Etc (last updated 10/13/21)

The premise and anlysis plan for all Dunedin projects are pre-registered on https://sites.duke.edu/moffittcaspiprojects/. Analyses reported in manuscripts were checked for reproducibility by an independent data-analyst, who recreated the code by working from the manuscript and applied it to a fresh dataset.

The dataset reported in the current article is not publicly available due to lack of informed consent and ethical approval, but is available on request by qualified scientists. Requests require a concept paper describing the purpose of data access, ethical approval at the applicant's institution, and provision for secure data access. We offer secure access on the Duke University and Otago University campuses. All data analysis scripts and results files are available for review.

Dunedin Longitudinal Study description and attrition analysis

The Dunedin Study was approved by the NZ-HDEC (Health and Disability Ethics Committee). The study protocol was approved by the institutional ethical review boards of the participating universities. Study members gave written informed consent before participating.

The Dunedin Brain Imaging Study is supported by NIA grant R01AG049789 and R01AG032282 and U.K. Medical Research Council grant MR/P005918/1. The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit is supported by the New Zealand Health Research Council and the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Thank you to members of the Advisory Board for the Dunedin Neuroimaging Study.

(The grant and advisory board acknowledgement should be included in all papers using Dunedin brain imaging data).

Advisory Board members:
Allen Song
Wayne Hall
Susan Bookheimer
Randy Buckner
Nita Farahany
Hunt Willard
Ranga Krishnan, M.B., CH.B.
Daniel Weinberger, M.D.

Author X was supported by [name, name, your own funding sources here, if you don't know ask somebody]

Grants you might also acknowledge, depending on the nature of the paper:

The US-National Institute on Aging grant R01AG069939 (to study substance use, health, and aging, please cite in all papers touching on these topics)

If reporting genomic data: This work used a high-performance computing facility partially supported by grant 2016-IDG-1013 ("HARDAC+: Reproducible HPC for Next-generation Genomics") from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center."

US NIA 1R01AG049789: the brain imaging grant "Neural signatures of healthy and unhealthy aging" (please cite in any papers using IQ, neuropsych test measures, or on brain-related topics).

the Jacobs Foundation (bec of donation to our research for the period 2011-2020)

the Avielle Foundation (if crime or antisocial behaviour is in the paper)

We thank the Dunedin Study members, their [parents], [teachers], [partners], [children] and [peer informants], Dunedin Unit Director Richie Poulton [if not a coauthor), Unit research staff, [names of principal investigators who shared data with you, if they are not co-authors], and Study founder Phil Silva.

Research assistance was provided by [name, name].

Helpful comments on earlier drafts were provided by [name, name].

For official crime data we thank the Dunedin Police [if you use police data].

Also see the Caspi / Moffitt website for up-to-date acknowledgment info.